Senin, 29 Oktober 2012

PB PRSI Optimis Raih Target Medali di SEA Games

RENANG INDONESIA-Pengurus Besar Persatuan Renang Seluruh Indonesia (PB PRSI) meminta kepada para perenang untuk terus mengasah kemampuan dalam pemusatan latihan nasional (Pelatnas) jelang tampil diSEA Games Myanmar 2013.

Beberapa perenang yang kini dipersiapkan untuk mengikuti Pelatnas SEA Games yakni I Gede Siman Sudartawa pada nomor 100 m dan 200 m gaya punggung putra. Lalu, Glenn Victor di nomor 100 m gaya kupu-kupu. Kemudian, untuk nomor estafet gaya ganti 4X100 m putra, dipercayakan pada I Gede Siman Sudartawa, Indra Gunawan, Glenn Victor, dan Triadi Fauzi. Sementara itu, di bagian putri, Raina Saumi jadi andalan nomor 800 m gaya bebas.

Para atlet yang mengikuti Pelatnas harus fokus pada nomor spesialisnya. Tujuannya, supaya mereka mudah ketika turun di banyak nomor. Hasilnya juga lebih memuaskan dan mereka diharapkan mampu mempersembahkan medali emas bagi kontingen Indonesia..

Pada ajang multi event dua tahunan antar negara di kawasan Asia Tenggara tersebut, Indonesia akan bersaing dengan negara-negara tangguh seperti Thailand, Vietnam, dan Singapura.

Persaingan memang ketat, tapi PRSI optimis mampu meraih target medali. Karena itu, atlet akan terus mempersiapkan atlet sejak sekarang.. ( )

Kejuaraan Renang Antar Pelajar Se Provinsi Jawa Barat

Panitia Pelaksana Kejuaraan Renang Antar Pelajar Se Provinsi Jawa Barat
Sekretariat : Kolam Renang Tirta Alam Jl. Terusan Sutisna Senjaya
(Samping Depo Pertamina Tasikmalaya)

Assalammu’alaikum Wr. Wb, salam olahraga.
TASC dan Brigif 13/1 Kostrad mengadakan Kejuaraan Renang Antar Pelajar se Provinsi
Jawa Barat pada : 10-11 November 2012, Pukul 08.00. Kolam Renang Sukapura Plaza. Jl. Dadaha, Kota Tasikmalaya

Panitia Pelaksana
Darma Widjaya, ATD.MM (085223222922, 085294160178, 085229035975).
Email :

PRSI Sulsel Cairkan Bonus Atlet Peserta PON

MAKASSAR, RENANG INDONESIA - Pengprov Persatuan Renang Seluruh Indonesia (PRSI) Sulawesi Selatan mencairkan bonus atlet Sulsel yang tampil di Pekan Olahraga Nasional (PON) XVIII Riau 2012.
Ketua Harian PRSI Sulsel Abdul Muin di Makassar, Senin (22/10/2012), mengatakan, pemberian bonus atau tali asih bagi seluruh atlet, baik dari cabang renang, renang indah, hingga polo air tersebut, sebagai bentuk komitmen pengurus terhadap atlet. Bonus yang dibagikan bagi seluruh atlet tersebut berjumlah Rp113 juta.
"Bonus bukan hanya diberikan kepada atlet peraih medali, namun seluruh atlet yang tampil di PON. Ini juga bentuk penghargaan kami dari pengurus terhadap perjuangan atlet di PON 2012," jelasnya.
Mengenai lambatnya pemberian bonus dari Pemprov Sulsel, tentu cukup disesalkan. Pihaknya juga berharap apa yang menjadi hak atlet bisa segera dibayarkan.       
"Belakangan memang sering kita dengar atlet mulai berteriak menuntuk kejelasan bonus. Kondisi itu tentu dikhawatirkan berpengaruh buruk terhapap motivasi atlet ke depan," ucapnya.
Atlet Selancar angin Sulsel Fadly Faizal, sebelumnya mengaku kesabaran atlet mulai habis dengan sikap Pemprov Sulsel yang dinilai tidak menghargai kerja keras dan perjuangan atlet di PON 2012.
Satu hal yang membuat atlet semakin kesal, lanjutnya, karena hingga kini jumlah bonus  yang akan diberikan kepada atlet peraih medali PON juga belum ada kepastian.
Peraih emas PON 2012 tersebut menjelaskan, dirinya bersama atlet lainnya sudah sangat bersabar atas kondisi tersebut. Hanya saja, katanya, sikap sabar yang ditunjukkan atlet ternyata tidak  mendapat respon positif dari Gubernur Sulsel, Syahrul Yasin Limpo.
Melihat kondisi tersebut, dirinya bersama sejumlah atlet lainnya sempat berfikir untuk turun ke jalan menuntut hak. Namun urung dilakukan karena ditakutkan menjadi preseden buruk terhadap Sulsel ke depan.
"Kita sudah tanya ke KONI tetapi dikatakan itu masalah Pemprov Sulsel. Kita mau tanya ke Pemprov juga masalah karena tidak tahu siapa yang bisa kita tanya," katanya. (

Pelatih Renang Dituduh Lakukan Hubungan Terlarang

WASHINGTON, RENANG INDONESIA - Pelatih renang asal Amerika, Rick Curl dituduh melakukan hubungan terlarang terhadap anak didiknya pada dekade 1980-an.

Curl yang kini telah berusia 63 tahun diperiksa polisi Montgomery County, Maryland, Kamis. Ia dibebaskan dengan uang jaminan 50 ribu dolar AS dan akan menjalani sidang awal pada 16 November.

Adalah mantan anak didik Curl, Kelley Davies Currin yang membuka masalah lama ini. Currin bersaksi ia menjalin hubungan dengan pelatihnya tersebut saat brusia 13 tahun pada 1983.  Hubungan ini berjalan selama tujuh tahun sebelum diketahui orang tua Currin.

Mereka kemudian memutuskan menyelesaikan masalah ini secara kekeluargaan dengan Curl dan tidak mengajukan tuntutan pidana. Currin mengaku menyesal telah mengambil keputusan tersebut.

Kuasa hukum Curl menyebut kliennya merupakan seorang ayah yang baik dan sebagia pelatih telah menghasilkan ratusan anak didik yang berhasil. (KOMPAS.COM)

Ranomi Kromowidjojo Memang yang Terbaik

PARIS, RENANG INDONESIA - Atlet renang asal Belanda, Ranomi Kromowidjojo terpilih jadi yang terbaik di Eropa atas prestasinya di tahun 2012.

Ranomi dipilih Le Ligue Europeenne de Natation(LEN) atas prestasinya meraih dua medali emas Olimpiade London, Agustus lalu. Ranomi meraih emas di nomor 50 dan 100 meter gaya bebas.

Ranomi menyamai prestasi atlet renang puteri Jerman, Brigitta Steffen yang juga meraih medali emas di Olimpiade Beijing 2008. Tahun lalu, penghargaan jatuh pada perenang Italia, Fredercia Pellegrini.

Ranomi menyisihkan atlet puteri Perancis, Camille Muffat yang merebut medali emas 400 meter gaya bebas Olimpiade London. Sementara di posisi tiga ditempati perenang 15 tahun dari Lithuania, Ruta Meilututyte yang  meraih medali emas Olimpiade London di nomor 100 meter gaya dada.

Sementara di bagian putera penghargaan diraih atlet renang Perancis, Yannick Agnel.  Ia meraih medali emas OLimpiade di nomor 200 meter gaya bebas dan ikut dalam tim estafet Perancis yang meraih medali emas di nomor 400 meter gaya bebas.

Penampilan Agnel dianggap sebagai kunci kemenangan tim Perancis karena ia mampu mengatasi bintang renang AS, Ryan Lochte. (

Hasil pemilihan:
1. Yannick Agnel (FRA) 48.5%
2. Daniel Gyurta (HUN) 42.4%
3. Florent Manaudou (FRA) 4.5%

1. Ranomi Kromowidjojo (NED) 60.6%
2. Camille Muffat (FRA) 15.2%
3. Ruta Meilutyte (LTU) 13.6%

PRSI Tunggu Konfirmasi dari Akbar

JAKARTA, RENANG INDONESIA - Pihak PB PRSI masih menunggu konfirmasi dari para atlet renang yang masuk pelatnas tahap pertama untuk persiapan SEA Games Myanmar 2013 mendatang.

PRSI telah menetapkan nama 34 atlet renang untuk persiapan SEA Games Myanmar. Mereka akan dibagi dalam dua kelompok besar yaitu 7 atlet renang utama dan 27 atlet renang muda.

Salah satu yang masuk dalam kelompok atlet renang muda adalah perenang senior M. Akbar Nasution. Padahak, usai PON XVIII/Riau lalu, Akbar  disebut-sebut memutuskan pensiun sebagai atlet dan beralih menjadi pelatih perkumpulan renang di Jakarta.

Pelatih renang nasional, Hartadi Nurjojo menyebut pemilihan 34 atlet renang didasarkan pada prestasi yang dicapai pada ajang PON Riau lalu.

"Kami melihat dari hasil pasca PON dan kemduian melakukan filterisasi dengan kriteria tertentu sesuai target di ajang SEA Games mendatang," jelas Hartadi melalui pesan singkat kepada, Rabu (24/10).

Berdasar kriteria inilah, terpilih nama-nama atlet, termasuk Akbar Nasution yang meraih medali emas di nomor 400 meter gaya ganti perseorangan. "Sebelum ada surat pengunduran diri resmi dari yang bersangkutan ke PB, maka terbit surat SK sesuai potensi objektive atlet yang tersedia," lanjut Hartadi.

Ia mengaku akan menindaklanjuti apabila ada perkembangan masalah ini. "Bila ada surat (pengunduran) tersebut -dari siapa pun- kami akan tindaklanjuti."

Para atlet renang yang masuk pelatnas SEA Games tersebut telah menjalani latihan antara lain di Jakarta dan Bandung. PRSI mendapat target mendulang 7 medali emas di arena SEA Games Myanmar mendatang. ( )

Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012

SEA Games 2013: Renang Dibebani Target Tujuh Medali Emas

JAKARTA, RENANG INDONESIA -  Cabang renang mendapatkan target minimal meraih tujuh medali emas di SEA Games 2013 di Myanmar. Demikian disampaikan pelatih pelatnas renang, Hartadi, Selasa (23/10/2012).
Menurut dia, target itu berdasarkan prestasi yang diraih perenang Indonesia dalam berbagai kejuaraan renang internasional, termasuk hasil SEA Games 2011.
Ia mengharapkan tujuh medali emas tersebut bisa didulang dari nomor 50 meter gaya bebas putra atas nama Triadi Fauzi yang memiliki catatan waktu 23,17 detik. 
Catatan waktu Fauzi lebih cepat dibanding peraih emas SEA Games 2011, Quek Xin Hui Arren dari Singapura yaitu 23,28 detik.
Selain itu, nomor 800 meter gaya bebas putri atas nama Raina Saumi dengan catatan waktu terbaiknya 08.55.83 juga berpeluang mendapatkan emas
Meski catatan waktu Ratna Saumi masik kalah dari peraih emas SEA Games 2011, Khoo Chai Lin, dengan catatan waktu 08.50.17.
Sementara itu, I Gede Siman Sudartawa menjadi andalan Indonesia di nomor 100 meter gaya punggung.
Siman adalah peraih emas SEA Games 2011 dengan catatan waktu 55,59 detik. Saat ini catatan waktu tercepat Siman sudah mencapai 55,32 detik.
Tak hanya di nomor 100 meter gaya punggung, Siman juga berpeluang meraih emas pada nomor 200 meter gaya punggung, seperti yang diraihnya  pada SEA Games 2011.
Sedangkan, perenang Jawa Barat, Glenn Victor, juga berpeluang meraih emas dari nomor 100 meter gaya kupu-kupu.
Glenn kini memiliki catatan waktu 53,17 detik terpaut 0,10 detik dari peraih emas SEA Games 2011, Hoang Quy Phuoc dari Vietnam dengan catatan waktu 00.53.07.
Di nomor putri, perenang putri Jawa Barat, Monaliza Arieswati, di nomor 200 meter gaya kupu memiliki catatan waktu terbaik 02.14.39. Catatan kini semakin mendekati catatan waktu peraih emas SEA Games 2011 Tao Li dari Singapura yang menorekan waktu 02.14.27.
Pada nomor 4X100 meter gaya ganti estafet putra dengan materi perenang I Gede Siman Sudartawa, Indra Gunawan, Glenn Victor, Triadi Fauzi, atau Nocko Biondi, Indonesia juga berpeluang meraih medali emas. ( 

KRAPDA SUMATERA: Terbukti Curi Umur, Faisal Jadi Perenang Terbaik

JAKARTA RENANG INDONESIA: Ternyata kasus pencurian umur masih saja terjadi di cabang olahraga renang. Hal ini terjadi pada Kejuaraan Renang Antarperkumpulan (Krapda) se-Sumatera yang digelar di Kolam Renang Selayang Medan, Sumut, 19-21 Oktober 2012.
Meski sudah dilakukan protes dan terbukti, Ketua Komisi Teknik (Komtek) yang dijabat Wira tetap menjadikan Faisal Dewantoro, yang berasal dari klub renang Pari Sakti Riau, sebagai perenang terbaik kelompok umur (KU-5 yang berusia 8-10 tahun). Padahal, dari segi usia, Faisal kelahiran 2002 harusnya turun di KU-4 (usia 10-11 tahun).
Sri Mulyani, ibunda perenang Syahreza Azhar Nasution (klub Pari Sakti Jakarta), yang membawa anaknya mengikuti Krapda se-Sumatera Utara itu, mengatakan, dirinya melakukan protes atas penampilan Faisal karena untuk yang kedua kalinya anak yang semula memperkuat klub Belibis Riau itu melakukan pencurian umur.
Menurut Sri Mulyani, bukan hanya dirinya yang melakukan protes sehubungan dengan kasus itu. Protes juga datang dari klub Belibis dan klub dari Lampung. Mereka membawa bukti fotokopi akte kelahiran Faisal dan buku kejuaraan Renang di Lampung tahun 2008, di mana Faisal tercatat sebagai peserta KU-5. Namun, komisi teknik pertandingan yang diketuai Wira hanya menampung protes dan tidak memprosesnya.
Yang lebih aneh lagi, menurut Sri Mulyani, orangtua Faisal, Herman, yang menjabat sebagai Lurah Tangkerang Utara, Pekanbaru Sakuntala, ngotot anaknya tidak mencuri umur dengan menunjukkan akte kelahiran yang dikeluarkan tahun 2010, di mana tercantum Faisal kelahiran 2003. Begitu juga dengan Ardi yang menjadi pelatih klub Pari Sakti Riau.
Setelah masalah pencurian umur merebak dalam Krapda itu, akhirnya pihak panitia memanggil semua pihak terkait, Minggu (21/10) malam. Dalam rapat tersebut, yang dihadiri utusan dari klub Belibis, menurut Sri, orangtua Faisal mengakui kesalahannya. Meski sudah mengakui kesalahannya, panitia tetap tidak mendiskualifikasi dan hanya ada kesepakatan pada Krapnas 2012, Faisal tidak didaftarkan lagi di KU-5. "Faisal tetap dinyatakan perenang terbaik dan tidak terkena sanksi," kata Sri Mulyani yang mendapat SMS atas keputusan rapat tersebut.
Ketua Harian KONI Sumut Jhon Lubis, yang dikonfirmasi, mengatakan, pencurian umur itu tidak dibenarkan. Ia berjanji akan memanggil pengurus Pengprov PRSI Sumut untuk menjelaskan masalah keputusan tidak adanya diskualifikasi. "Saya akan meminta penjelasan dari Pengprov PRSI Sumut. Masalah pencurian umur ini tidak bisa ditoleransi. Kasihan kan anak-anak yang dipaksa untuk melakukan kebohongan demi ambisi orangtua. Kasus ini akan jadi perhatian serius KONI Sumut," tutur Jhon Lubis, yang membuka secara resmi Krapda se-Sumatera itu. (Suara Karya) 

Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012

34 Perenang Dipersiapkan di Pelatnas SEAG

RENANG INDONESIA-Sebanyak 34 perenang dari berbagai daerah akhirnya masuk pelatnas (pemusatan latihan) tahap pertama yang dipersiapkan tampil pada SEA Games 2013 Myanmar.

Pelatih Pelatnas Cabang Renang Hartadi Nurjojo mengatakan bahwa induk organisasi olahraga renang di Indonesia sudah menerima Surat Keputusan Nomor 17 Tahun 2012 tentang Penetapan Daftar Nama Atlet, Manajer, dan Pelatih Pelatnas yang ditandatangani oleh Ketua Dewan Pelaksana Program Indonesia Emas Tono Suratman.

Dari jumlah tersebut, kata Hartadi yang juga Ketua Harian Pengprov PRSI Jawa Tengah tersebut, nama perenang dibagi dalam dua kelompok, yaitu utama sebanyak tujuh perenang dan muda sebanyak 27 perenang.

Mereka yang masuk kelompok utama adalah Triadi Fauzi dan Glenn Victor (Jabar), Gede Siman Sudartawa (Riau), Indra Gunawan (Sumatera Utara) untuk putra, kemudian Raina Saumi, Yessy Yosaputra, dan Monaliza (Jabar) untuk kelompok putri.

Kemudian yang lainnya masuk kelompok muda termasuk dua perenang asal Jawa Tengah, yaitu Margaretha Kreta P. dan Kavita Chrisna.

Bahkan, perenang seperti M. Akbar Nasuition (Sumatera Selatan), Guntur Pratama Putra (DKI Jakarta), Eny Susilowati (Jatim), dan Nicko Biondi (DKI Jakarta) masuk kelompok muda.

"Mereka sudah menjalani pemusatan latihan di Jakata dan Bandung," ungkapnya.

Di sisi lain, Hartadi mengatakan bahwa tim renang Indonesia mengincar tujuh medali emas pada SEA Games 2013 Myanmar.

Target itu berdasarkan prestasi yang diraih perenang Indonesia dalam berbagai kejuaraan renang internasional, termasuk hasil SEA Games 2011.

Indonesia diharapkan dapat meraih tujuh medali emas tersebut dari nomor 50 meter gaya bebas putra atas nama Triadi Fauzi yang memiliki catatan waktu 23,17 detik, sementara peraih emas SEA Games 2011 Quek Xin Hui Arren (Singapura) catatan waktunya 23,28 detik.

Selain itu, nomor 800 meter gaya bebas putri atas nama Raina Saumi dengan catatan waktu terbaiknya 08.55.83, sedangkan peraih emas SEA Games 2011 Khoo Chai Lin dengan catatan waktu 08.50.17.

Pada nomor 100 meter gaya punggung, Indonesia juga berpeluang meraih emas atas nama I Gede Siman Sudartawa dengan catatan waktu 00.55.32, sedangkan saat meraih emas SEA Games 2011 catatan waktu Siman adalah 00.55.59.

Perenang Riau (Siman Sudartawa) juga berpeluang meraih emas pada nomor 200 meter gaya punggung, seperti yang diraih pada SEA Games 2011.

Selain itu, perenang berasal dari Jawa Barat Glenn Victor juga berpeluang meraih emas dari nomor 100 meter gaya kupu dengan catatan waktu 00.53.17, sedangkan peraih emas SEA Games 2011, yaitu Hoang Quy Phuoc (Vietnam) dengan catatan waktu 00.53.07.

Selain itu, perenang putri berasal dari Jawa Barat, Monaliza Arieswati, di nomor 200 meter gaya kupu dengan catatan waktu terbaik 02.14.39, sedangkan peraih emas SEA Games 2011 Tao Li (Singapura) catatan waktunya 02.14.27.

Pada nomor 4X100 meter gaya ganti estafet putra dengan materi perenang I Gede Siman Sudartawa, Indra Gunawan, Glenn Victor, Triadi Fauzi, atau Nocko Biondi, Indonesia juga memiliki peluang meraih medali emas.(

PRSI Sulsel Cairkan Bonus Atlet Peserta PON

MAKASSAR, - Pengprov Persatuan Renang Seluruh Indonesia (PRSI) Sulawesi Selatan mencairkan bonus atlet Sulsel yang tampil di Pekan Olahraga Nasional (PON) XVIII Riau 2012.
Ketua Harian PRSI Sulsel Abdul Muin di Makassar, Senin (22/10/2012), mengatakan, pemberian bonus atau tali asih bagi seluruh atlet, baik dari cabang renang, renang indah, hingga polo air tersebut, sebagai bentuk komitmen pengurus terhadap atlet. Bonus yang dibagikan bagi seluruh atlet tersebut berjumlah Rp113 juta.
"Bonus bukan hanya diberikan kepada atlet peraih medali, namun seluruh atlet yang tampil di PON. Ini juga bentuk penghargaan kami dari pengurus terhadap perjuangan atlet di PON 2012," jelasnya.
Mengenai lambatnya pemberian bonus dari Pemprov Sulsel, tentu cukup disesalkan. Pihaknya juga berharap apa yang menjadi hak atlet bisa segera dibayarkan.       
"Belakangan memang sering kita dengar atlet mulai berteriak menuntuk kejelasan bonus. Kondisi itu tentu dikhawatirkan berpengaruh buruk terhapap motivasi atlet ke depan," ucapnya.
Atlet Selancar angin Sulsel Fadly Faizal, sebelumnya mengaku kesabaran atlet mulai habis dengan sikap Pemprov Sulsel yang dinilai tidak menghargai kerja keras dan perjuangan atlet di PON 2012. -
Satu hal yang membuat atlet semakin kesal, lanjutnya, karena hingga kini jumlah bonus  yang akan diberikan kepada atlet peraih medali PON juga belum ada kepastian.
Peraih emas PON 2012 tersebut menjelaskan, dirinya bersama atlet lainnya sudah sangat bersabar atas kondisi tersebut. Hanya saja, katanya, sikap sabar yang ditunjukkan atlet ternyata tidak  mendapat respon positif dari Gubernur Sulsel, Syahrul Yasin Limpo.
Melihat kondisi tersebut, dirinya bersama sejumlah atlet lainnya sempat berfikir untuk turun ke jalan menuntut hak. Namun urung dilakukan karena ditakutkan menjadi preseden buruk terhadap Sulsel ke depan.
"Kita sudah tanya ke KONI tetapi dikatakan itu masalah Pemprov Sulsel. Kita mau tanya ke Pemprov juga masalah karena tidak tahu siapa yang bisa kita tanya," katanya.


Dutch sprinter taking time to prepare for long course worlds

PHOENIX, Arizona, RENANG INDONESIA-October 22. RANOMI Kromowidjojo will not give swimming fans a 2012 encore to her double gold medal-winning performances from the London Olympics, choosing to take the remainder of the year to recover from the stress of the Games and prepare for next year's world championships.

That means she will not compete in November's short course European championships or the short course world championships in December in Turkey. By skipping worlds, she will not be defending her 50 freestyle title from the 2010 edition, which she won with the fourth-fastest time in history (23.37).

"For me it's too early because after the Olympics I took a long break and made time for other things (family, friends, business)," Kromowidjojo wrote today in an email sent exclusively to Swimming World. "I already started with training again, but I want to use the next month for training to work to, and be back in, the best shape next year during the Worlds long course in Barcelona." 

The Dutch sprinter will be looking to make 2013 her second consecutive year as the top female sprinter after winning the 50 and 100 in London. Though she was unable to match her world textile best of 52.75 in the 100 free, winning with a 53.00, Kromowidjojo did post a world textile best of 24.05 in winning the 50 free gold medal. She added a silver medal to her collection as part of the 400 free relay Dutch squad.

Inge Dekker, who performed well in the FINA World Cup this month, would have been the likely candidate to represent the Dutch sprinting tradition at worlds, but the Dutch swimming federation announced last week that Dekker would be taking a year or so off from competition to focus on her studies in psychology.

"Since 2001, my life was completely dedicated to swimming," Dekker said. "I have for 11 years trained hard and achieved a lot. But it is now time for other things. I would at least like to finish my studies, because I want to do something (after swimming)."

Dekker did not rule out a possible spot on the 2016 Olympic team.

The Dutch swimming federation has not released an official list of those attending the world championships, but that is likely to be finalized after the European championships

SWIMMING WORLD CUP 2012 day 2: France's Muffat, queen of Berlin

Camillo Cametti, FINA Press Commission Chairman

October 21, 2012 BERLIN - Today the French won the 400m freestyle missing the World record by just one hundredth. Camille Muffat was definitely the best swimmer of the meet. The French swimmer, who is based in Nice, France, and is coached by Fabrice Pellerin, today set the best performance of the meet when she won the 400m freestyle in 3:54.93, a World Cup record, just one hundredth shy of the world record. On the first day Muffat set the second best performance among women in the 200m freestyle. Overall, two World Cup records were set in Berlin, including that of Daiya Seto (JPN) on the first day.
There were nine double winners, three men and six women. Men: Stanislav Donets (RUS, backstroke), Fabio Scozzoli (ITA, breaststroke), Anthony Ervin (USA, sprint freestyle). Women: Ilaria Bianchi (ITA, butterfly), Britta Steffen (GER, sprint freestyle), Camille Muffat (FRA, freestyle), Jessica Hardy (USA), Katinka Hosszu (HUN).

Men’s 1500m freestyle: All three medallists swam under 15 minutes. David Verraszto (HUN) claimed gold in 14:51.29 (867 points) ahead of Mateusz Sawrymowicz (POL, 14:55.02) and Richard Nagy (SVK, 14:58.91).
Women’s 100m freestyle: At only a few metres from the end, Jessica Hardy (USA), who had raced in front all the way, appeared to be the sure winner. Instead , thanks to a formidable rush in the final metres, Britta Steffen took gold in 52.88 (897 points). Hardy touched just 0.12 seconds behind and took silver. Jessica Morrison (AUS) was third 53.31.
Men’s 200m freestyle: The expected duel between Paul Biedermann (GER) and Yannick Agnel was won by the French, whose acceleration in the conclusive 40 metres was irresistible. His time of 1:42.10 (921 points) nears his personal short course best of 1:41.95, which he had set in Dubai at the 2010 FINA World Swimming Championships. Until the 150-metre turn the race was animated by the duel between Darian Towsend (RSA) and Tommaso D’Orsogna (AUS). The pair faded a bit in the last two laps and had to content respectively with the third and fourth place. 
Agnel said: "I wanted to swim this final in the same fashion as the heat: to start slowly and ending fast, and I did it. I am also very happy with my time". Biedermann acknowledged that he needs "to improve on his current for" but was not disappointed for having been beaten by "a  world class swimmer like Agnel".
Women’s 50m breaststroke: Jessica Hardy (USA) won comfortably in 30.13 (873 points). Great Britain's Kathryn Johnstone was second in 30.89.
Men’s 100m breaststroke: Italy’s Fabio Scozzoli dubbed his gold medal of yesterday in the 50m taking gold also in the 100m. Once more he beat Glenn Snyders of New Zealand: 57.61 (899 points) and 57.89 were théier respective times. Brazil’s Henrique Barbosa was third in 58.50.
Women’s 400m IM: Eventually Katinka Hosszu managed to claim her first gold medal here. She won in 4:28.88 (915 points) and her win was never in doubt. Hungary went 1-2 thanks to Zsusanna Jakabos, second in 4:29.78. USA’s 15-year old Rebecca Mann was a distant third in 4:37.03. 
Hosszu explained: “Today I felt better than yesterday. Unfortunately in Moscow was ill but now I’m feeling better and have still to swims to go”.
Men’s 100m butterfly: When Tom Shields (USA) eventually realised that he had managed to beat Evgeny Korotyshkin (RUS), he exploded with joy. He won in 50.03 (909 points), leaving the rival 0.11 seconds behind. Nikolay Skvortsov, also from Russia, was third in 50.89. 
Korotyshkin explained his defeat: “I tried to swim at my best but in last lap I did not see the American. Perhaps my tactic today was not best. Nevertheless I’m happy with my result as after the Olympics I had allowed myself a long pause”.
Women’s 100m backstroke: Rachel Goh (AUS) swam always in front and dominated the race in 57.02 (908 points). Brazil’s veteran Fabiola Molina, 37, was second in 58.87, while American Kaitlyn Jones took bronze in 58.91
Men’s 50m backstroke: No surprise: Stanislav Donets (RUS) won in 23.16 (930 points); Robert Hurley (AUS) was second in 23.57 and Brazil’s Guilherme Guido took bronze in 23.63.
Women’s 200m butterfly: Second gold medal of the day (27 overall in the series) for Hosszu, definitely more brilliant than yesterday: her time 2:05.78 (885 points). Jakabos was second in 2:06.99 with the 17-year old American Celina Li taking bronze in 2:07.16.
Men’s 200m IM: Swimming from lane 1, South Africa’s Darian Towsend won in 1:53.44 (913 points) ahead of Hungary’s Laszlo Cseh (1:53.59) and Japan’s Daiya Seto (1:53.84).
Women’s 400m freestyle: Camille Muffat was off in front to swim a solitary race. The French, Olympic champion in London in this race, won in a display of perfect stroke, swim efficiency and self-confidence. At half way her split was under the World record, and so it was at the 300-metre turn and at 350m when it was  0.36 seconds under the World record split. The World record was in sight but what a disappointment when scoreboard denied, by just one hundredth, her and the enthusiastic crowd, who cheered all the way, a World record that would have been well deserved. Pity! However her time of 3:54.93 (999 points) was a new World Cup record. American juniors Leah Smith and Rebecca Mann were respectively a distant second and third, more than ten seconds behind. 
Muffat’s comments were philosophical: “It’s not the end of the world. There will be more opportunities (at the European Championships coming up soon in Chartres, France). I started faster than usual. I tackle the 400m short course as a long sprint”.
Men’s 50m freestyle: Anthony Ervin dubbed his 100m gold medal of yesterday with gold in the 50m dash. The American won in 20.85 seconds (922 points) ahead of George Bovell (TRI, 20.97) and Matthew Targett (AUS, 21.12). The happy 31-year old Californian said: “This was my personal best time, and an American record too. Berlin was very good for me”.
Women’s 200m breaststroke: One-two for Japan. Rie Kaneto took gold in 2:19.96 (888 points) while Mio Motegi was second in 2:20.57. The pair swam always well in front of the rest of the field.
Women’s 100m IM: Germany’s Theresa Michalak won in 59.62 (908 points) ahead of the Hungarian pair of Katinka Hosszu (1:00.23) and Zsusanna Jakabos (1:00.53).
Men’s 200m backstroke: One more gold and silver for a Japanese pair. Yuko Shirai won in 1:49.94 (899 points) edging Ayate Matsubara (1:51.93) and Australia’s  Ashley Delaney  (1:52.82).
Women’s 50m butterfly: Second win also for Ilaria Bianchi. The Italian added the 50m win to the 100m gold medal of yesterday. She did it in 25.96 (828), just 0.02 seconds ahead of Dutch veteran Inge Dekker, 32, who admitted being “disappointed”. Dekker added: “My start wasn’t good  and I could not recover ”.
Mixed 4x50m freestyle: The United States dominated the relay and won in 1:31.16. The American gained immediately the lead with Ervin (20.92); Shields swam the second leg in 21.58; the women swam the last two legs: Hardy in 23.81 and Stewart in 24.85. Denmark and Brazil were respectively second and third.

Senin, 22 Oktober 2012

1.800 Perenang Nekat Menembus Pelabuhan Hongkong

HONGKONG, RENANG INDONESIA -- Sekitar 1.800 perenang berani atau perenang nekat, Minggu (21/10/2012), berenang melintasi laut di depan Pelabuhan Hongkong, salah satu pelabuhan yang terkenal sibuk di dunia dan juga lalu lintas kapal yang padat.
Kantor berita AFP melaporkan, para perenang pemberani berusia antara 12 tahun hingga 78 tahun ambil bagian dalam menembus jarak lintasan laut sejauh 1,5 kilometer di depan Victoria Harbour. Lomba renang ini dibuka kembali tahun lalu setelah 33 tahun dihentikan.
Para perenang melintas dari lokasi di sisi timur semenanjung Kowloon dan Pulau Hongkong, dengan latar belakang gedung pencakar langit Hongkong. Mereka melintasi jalur feri dan kapal kargo yang banyak lalu-lalang di sana.
Pemenang tahun lalu, Ling Tin-yu (19), kali ini mengulangi prestasinya dengan berenang selama 16 menit dan 57 detik. Tak dirinci hadiah uang yang diperoleh Ling.
"Selama lebih dari 70 tahun, lomba melintasi Pelabuhan Hongkong merupakan sebuah acara yang diselenggarakan secara meriah," ujar pihak panitia dari Asosiasi Perenang Amatir Hongkong.
Lomba renang ini sudah berlangsung sejak tahun 1906 dan selalu menarik ribuan perenang dan ratusan ribu penonton. Namun, acara ini dihentikan sejak tahun 1978 karena kondisi laut yang kotor. Namun, tahun lalu acara lomba renang ini dibuka kembali dan sejauh ini tidak ada keberatan dari 1.000 peserta renang soal air laut yang tercemar.
Hongkong merupakan salah satu pelabuhan tersibuk didunia dengan lebih dari 425.00 kapal barang datang dan pergi pada tahun 2010. (

SWIMMING WORLD CUP SWC 2012, day 2: France's Muffat, queen of Berlin

Camillo Cametti, FINA Press Commission Chairman

RENANG INDONESIA-October 21, 2012 BERLIN - Today the French won the 400m freestyle missing the World record by just one hundredth. Camille Muffat was definitely the best swimmer of the meet. The French swimmer, who is based in Nice, France, and is coached by Fabrice Pellerin, today set the best performance of the meet when she won the 400m freestyle in 3:54.93, a World Cup record, just one hundredth shy of the world record. On the first day Muffat set the second best performance among women in the 200m freestyle. Overall, two World Cup records were set in Berlin, including that of Daiya Seto (JPN) on the first day.
There were nine double winners, three men and six women. Men: Stanislav Donets (RUS, backstroke), Fabio Scozzoli (ITA, breaststroke), Anthony Ervin (USA, sprint freestyle). Women: Ilaria Bianchi (ITA, butterfly), Britta Steffen (GER, sprint freestyle), Camille Muffat (FRA, freestyle), Jessica Hardy (USA), Katinka Hosszu (HUN).

Men’s 1500m freestyle: All three medallists swam under 15 minutes. David Verraszto (HUN) claimed gold in 14:51.29 (867 points) ahead of Mateusz Sawrymowicz (POL, 14:55.02) and Richard Nagy (SVK, 14:58.91).
Women’s 100m freestyle: At only a few metres from the end, Jessica Hardy (USA), who had raced in front all the way, appeared to be the sure winner. Instead , thanks to a formidable rush in the final metres, Britta Steffen took gold in 52.88 (897 points). Hardy touched just 0.12 seconds behind and took silver. Jessica Morrison (AUS) was third 53.31.
Men’s 200m freestyle: The expected duel between Paul Biedermann (GER) and Yannick Agnel was won by the French, whose acceleration in the conclusive 40 metres was irresistible. His time of 1:42.10 (921 points) nears his personal short course best of 1:41.95, which he had set in Dubai at the 2010 FINA World Swimming Championships. Until the 150-metre turn the race was animated by the duel between Darian Towsend (RSA) and Tommaso D’Orsogna (AUS). The pair faded a bit in the last two laps and had to content respectively with the third and fourth place. 
Agnel said: "I wanted to swim this final in the same fashion as the heat: to start slowly and ending fast, and I did it. I am also very happy with my time". Biedermann acknowledged that he needs "to improve on his current for" but was not disappointed for having been beaten by "a  world class swimmer like Agnel".
Women’s 50m breaststroke: Jessica Hardy (USA) won comfortably in 30.13 (873 points). Great Britain's Kathryn Johnstone was second in 30.89.
Men’s 100m breaststroke: Italy’s Fabio Scozzoli dubbed his gold medal of yesterday in the 50m taking gold also in the 100m. Once more he beat Glenn Snyders of New Zealand: 57.61 (899 points) and 57.89 were théier respective times. Brazil’s Henrique Barbosa was third in 58.50.
Women’s 400m IM: Eventually Katinka Hosszu managed to claim her first gold medal here. She won in 4:28.88 (915 points) and her win was never in doubt. Hungary went 1-2 thanks to Zsusanna Jakabos, second in 4:29.78. USA’s 15-year old Rebecca Mann was a distant third in 4:37.03. 
Hosszu explained: “Today I felt better than yesterday. Unfortunately in Moscow was ill but now I’m feeling better and have still to swims to go”.
Men’s 100m butterfly: When Tom Shields (USA) eventually realised that he had managed to beat Evgeny Korotyshkin (RUS), he exploded with joy. He won in 50.03 (909 points), leaving the rival 0.11 seconds behind. Nikolay Skvortsov, also from Russia, was third in 50.89. 
Women’s 100m backstroke: Rachel Goh (AUS) swam always in front and dominated the race in 57.02 (908 points). Brazil’s veteran Fabiola Molina, 37, was second in 58.87, while American Kaitlyn Jones took bronze in 58.91
Men’s 50m backstroke: No surprise: Stanislav Donets (RUS) won in 23.16 (930 points); Robert Hurley (AUS) was second in 23.57 and Brazil’s Guilherme Guido took bronze in 23.63.
Women’s 200m butterfly: Second gold medal of the day (27 overall in the series) for Hosszu, definitely more brilliant than yesterday: her time 2:05.78 (885 points). Jakabos was second in 2:06.99 with the 17-year old American Celina Li taking bronze in 2:07.16.
Men’s 200m IM: Swimming from lane 1, South Africa’s Darian Towsend won in 1:53.44 (913 points) ahead of Hungary’s Laszlo Cseh (1:53.59) and Japan’s Daiya Seto (1:53.84).
Women’s 400m freestyle: Camille Muffat was off in front to swim a solitary race. The French, Olympic champion in London in this race, won in a display of perfect stroke, swim efficiency and self-confidence. At half way her split was under the World record, and so it was at the 300-metre turn and at 350m when it was  0.36 seconds under the World record split. The World record was in sight but what a disappointment when scoreboard denied, by just one hundredth, her and the enthusiastic crowd, who cheered all the way, a World record that would have been well deserved. Pity! However her time of 3:54.93 (999 points) was a new World Cup record. American juniors Leah Smith and Rebecca Mann were respectively a distant second and third, more than ten seconds behind. 
Men’s 50m freestyle: Anthony Ervin dubbed his 100m gold medal of yesterday with gold in the 50m dash. The American won in 20.85 seconds (922 points) ahead of George Bovell (TRI, 20.97) and Matthew Targett (AUS, 21.12). The happy 31-year old Californian said: “This was my personal best time, and an American record too. Berlin was very good for me”.
Women’s 200m breaststroke: One-two for Japan. Rie Kaneto took gold in 2:19.96 (888 points) while Mio Motegi was second in 2:20.57. The pair swam always well in front of the rest of the field.
Women’s 100m IM: Germany’s Theresa Michalak won in 59.62 (908 points) ahead of the Hungarian pair of Katinka Hosszu (1:00.23) and Zsusanna Jakabos (1:00.53).
Men’s 200m backstroke: One more gold and silver for a Japanese pair. Yuko Shirai won in 1:49.94 (899 points) edging Ayate Matsubara (1:51.93) and Australia’s  Ashley Delaney  (1:52.82).
Women’s 50m butterfly: Second win also for Ilaria Bianchi. The Italian added the 50m win to the 100m gold medal of yesterday. She did it in 25.96 (828), just 0.02 seconds ahead of Dutch veteran Inge Dekker, 32, who admitted being “disappointed”. Dekker added: “My start wasn’t good  and I could not recover ”.
Mixed 4x50m freestyle: The United States dominated the relay and won in 1:31.16. The American gained immediately the lead with Ervin (20.92); Shields swam the second leg in 21.58; the women swam the last two legs: Hardy in 23.81 and Stewart in 24.85. Denmark and Brazil were respectively second and third


Muffat becomes second-fastest swimmer in 400 free; Hosszu eclipses $45,000 in race winnings

BERLIN, Germany, RENANG INDONESIA-October 21. THE second night at the FINA World Cup stop in Berlin featured some sizzling times. France's Camille Muffat rattled the world record in the women's 400 free by the slimmest of margins, while Katinka Hosszu got back on track. Additionally, Anthony Ervin posted an American record in the 50 free, but remains the second-fastest American in the event. See the explanation below!

For a quick refresher course, the FINA World Cup is a global circuit of two-day meets all swum in short course meters (25m) setups. Swimmers vie for cash earnings with first-place individual winners earning $1,500, while second place wins $1,000. Third place in each event also takes home $500. Relays are not money races.

The overall circuit winners for the men and women by the end of the eight-meet series next month will win $100,000 each. Chad Le Clos and Therese Alshammar both banked six-figure paydays last year with Le Clos topping out at $145,500, including nearly $50k in just race winnings alone. Thus far this year, Katinka Hosszu and Kenneth To lead the overall standings after the fourth stop in Berlin, Germany. 

Men's 1500 free
Hungary's David Verrastzo punched the wall in 14:51.29 to open night two in Berlin with a win. That swim kicked his winnings in Berlin up to $2,000, his only stop on the tour thus far. Poland's Mateusz Sawrymowicz finished second in 14:55.02, while Slovakia's Richard Nagy also cleared 15:00 with a third-place 14:58.91 to round out the podium. Swimmers on the tour have a lot of ground to make up to catch last season's best effort of 14:29.81 by Sawrymowicz at the Euro Short Course Championships.

Women's 100 free
Germany's Britta Steffen has been printing money on the tour via her sprint freestyle prowess. She raced to victory in the 100, sweeping the 50 and 100 again, with a scorching 52.88. USA's Jessica Hardy took second in 53.00, while Australia's Jessica Morrison returned to the podium for the first time since Stockholm with a 53.31. Steffen jumped her winnings up to $15,000 with the triumph, and did some by clearing 53 seconds for the third time on the tour. Her best time came with a 52.46 to win in Stockholm. Hardy, meanwhile, smashed her previous circuit best of 53.38 also from Stockholm, and now has won $9,000 on the tour.

Men's 200 free
France's Yannick Agnel went from third to first in the final 50 meters en route to his first victory on the circuit. He clocked a sterling 1:42.10, surfacing from a tight contest. Germany's Paul Biedermann placed second in 1:42.71, while South Africa's Darian Townsend touched third in 1:42.79. The previous best time on the tour heading into tonight had been a 1:42.71 from Townsend to win in Dubai. Biedermann had the fastest time a year ago with a 1:42.42 also at the Berlin stop, typically one of the fastest stops on the tour. Townsend now stands third among the men in overall winnings with $14,000 in prizes.

Women's 50 breast
USA's Jessica Hardy returned to the pool just minutes after her runner-up effort in the 100 with a winning time of 30.13 in the sprint breaststroke event. She now has $10,500 in winnings after ringing up $5,000 in Berlin. Great Britain's Kathryn Johnstone touched second in 30.89, while Margarethe Hummel earned third-place honors in 31.09. While Hardy's time is pretty fast, she still has some time to make up to catch the sizzling 29.96 Ruta Meilutyte posted in Stockholm for the win.

Men's 100 breast
In just his third stop on the tour, Italy's Fabio Scozzoli is definitely filling in for the missing Cameron van der Burgh, who stopped the circuit to return home to train. Scozzoli is now up to $6,500 in winnings with just breaststroke event wins. He won the 100 tonight in 57.61, while New Zealand's Glenn Snyders took second in 57.89. Snyders is racking up the cash as well with $8,000 as he has competed on all five stops thus far. Brazil's Henrique Barbosa rounded out the podium with a third-place 58.50. Van der Burgh still owns the best time on the circuit this year with a 57.22 to win in Doha.

Women's 400 IM
After a bit of a hiccup on night one, during which she only won $750 after breaking records with $11,000 meets, Hungary's Katinka Hosszu moved back into the win column in the distance medley with a 4:28.88. That win is her 26th individual gold medal of the circuit, and pushed her winnings to $43,250, closing in on Chad le Clos' total race winnings of $45,500 from all of last year with three more stops to go. Hungary's Zsuzsanna Jakabos turned in a second-place 4:29.78 for $20,250 overall in winnings, while U.S. Junior National Teamer Becca Mann snared third-place honors in 4:37.03. Hosszu nearly cleared her fastest time of the tour, a 4:28.10 from the Stockholm stop. She hasn't lost in the 400 IM yet on this circuit, now up to five straight wins.

Men's 100 fly
He's been swimming on every stop of the tour, but he finally broke through with an international gold medal tonight as California's Tom Shields blasted a 50.03 en route to victory. He touched out Russia's Evgeny Korotyshkin in the process as the Russian placed second in 50.14. Russia's Nikolay Skvortsov completed the podium with a third-place 50.89. Shields neared the top time on the tour of 49.60 set by Chad le Clos on the Doha stop, and would have ranked third in the world a year ago with his 50.03. Shields' blistering effort shot him to 16th in the world all time, and is the second-fastest American all time behind Ian Crocker's 49.07.

Women's 100 back
Not many have been able to stop Australia's Rachel Goh in the backstroke events so far this year as she raced to yet another victory, this time whacking half-a-second from her previous circuit best with a 57.02. The win increased her race winnings tally to $14,000, fourth among the women. Brazil's Fabiola Molina checked in with a second-place 58.87, while U.S. Junior National Teamer Kaitlyn Jones earned her first medal of the circuit with a third-place 58.91. Goh's previous best on the tour had been a 57.52 to win in Stockholm. Her time tonight nearly clipped her best from a year ago of a 56.99 also in Berlin.

Men's 50 back
Russia's Stanislav Donets kept pace with Rachel Goh as the top backstrokers on the circuit, pushing his winnings to $14,000 as well with a 23.16 to top the sprint backstroke. Australia's Robert Hurley jumped to second with a 23.57 for $17,000 in winnings, while Brazil's Guilherme Guido earned third in 23.63. Donets won his fifth straight title in the event, and bettered his 23.31 from Moscow that had been the fastest on the tour so far. He continues to close the distance on his second-ranked all-time performance of 22.74 from the Euro Short Course Championships.

Women's 200 fly
Katinka Hosszu must have just had an off night last evening, as she proved she was back on track in a big way with her second title of the night. She raced to a 2:05.78 to win the distance fly event for her 27th individual gold of the circuit, which also pushed her winnings to an astounding $44,750. Wingwoman Zsuzsanna Jakabos took second in 2:06.99 to push her winnings to $21,250, while U.S. Junior National Teamer Celina Li secured her second bronze medal of the meet with a 2:07.16. Hosszu's time just missed her circuit-best time of 2:05.77 from the Moscow stop, but the win put momentum back on her side.

Men's 200 IM
South Africa's Darian Townsend used some outside smoke with a scorching time of 1:53.44 to win out of lane 1. Hungary's Laszlo Cseh finally beat Japan's Daiya Seto, 1:53.59 to 1:53.84, but wound up falling to Townsend in the end. Townsend's time came up just short of his circuit-best time of 1:53.25 to win in Dubai. Meanwhile, Seto became the second fastest man from Japan in the event, clearing the 1:53.85 clocked by Hidemasa Sano, but trailing the 1:53.67 set by Kosuke Hagino last year in Tokyo. Townsend now has $15,500 in circuit winnings, while Seto moved his tally to $23,000 -- which still leads all men. Cseh is nearing $10,000 with $9,000 in overall race winnings after five meets.

Women's 400 free
A pair of U.S. Junior National Teamers nearly were part of history as France's Camille Muffat missed the world record in the middle distance event by the slimmest of margins with a scorching fast time of 3:54.93. Muffat just missed the world record of 3:54.92 set by Joanne Jackson in Great Britain in 2009, and demolished the World Cup record of 3:56.24 set by compatriot Coralie Balmy on the Berlin stop in 2008. Muffat chopped nearly three seconds off her previous best of 3:57.48 to vault from seventh all time to second. She is one of only two swimmers to break the 3:55 mark as well, with Allison Schmitt standing third with a 3:55.89. USA's Leah Smith (4:04.86) and Becca Mann (4:05.21), meanwhile, picked up the other podium spots for second and third.

Men's 50 free
USA's Anthony Ervin and Trinidad and Tobago's George Bovell followed up the near historic swim from Muffat with a sterling battle in the splash-and-dash. Ervin topped Bovell, 20.85 to 20.97, as the pair have traded the top two spots all tour. Australia's Matt Targett picked up third in 21.12. Bovell is now up to $12,000 in winnings, while Ervin has tallied $10,250. Ervin topped his previous best of 20.99 set with a second-place effort in Stockholm. Bovell posted his third sub-21 time of the circuit and his career. Ervin jumped to 12th all time in the rankings, and downed the American record of 20.88 set by Josh Schneider in Dubai in 2010.

Nathan Adrian has the fastest time by an American with a 20.71 from the 2009 World Short Course Championships. USA Swimming, however, decided that American records set in techsuits after Oct. 1, 2009 -- when USA Swimming implemented the techsuit ban domestically - would not be ratified. This is the case even for times swum legally in international events where ban was not in effect yet

Women's 200 breast
Japan went 1-2 in the distance breaststroke with Rie Kaneto topping Mio Motegi, 2:19.96 to 2:20.57. Belgium's Fanny Lecluyse, meanwhile, clinched third in 2:22.93. Kaneto became the first swimmer under 2:20 this year, bettering her 2:20.08 from the Moscow stop. She's also nearing her best time from a year ago, a 2:19.72 set on the Tokyo stop that ranked her fifth in the world then. Kaneto is now up to $7,000 in winnings with just three meets under her belt.

Women's 100 IM
Germany's Theresa Michalak upset Hungary's Katinka Hosszu for the 100 IM title, 59.62 to 1:00.23. Hosszu, however, still managed to push her overall winnings to $45,750 to better the $45,500 Chad le Clos won in all seven meets before claiming the $100,000 overall grand prize as the 2011 FINA World Cup men's winner. Hungary's Zsuzsanna Jakabos also took third in 1:00.53 for $21,750 in winnings. Michalak is the second swimmer under 1:00 on the tour with her time now the top of the circuit besting the 59.69 clocked by Hosszu to win in Moscow.

Men's 200 back
Japan's Yuki Shirai won his third straight title in the distance dorsal event, tonight with a 1:49.94 to win by nearly two seconds. Teammate Hayate Matsubara touched second in 1:51.93, while Australia's Ashley Delaney turned in a third-place 1:52.82. Shirai is the first swimmer under 1:50 on the tour after winning in Stockholm with a then circuit-best 1:50.70. Shirai would have ranked third in the world a year ago with his time tonight, and jumped to 14th all time in the event's history with his blistering time tonight.

Women's 50 fly
Italy's Ilaria Bianchi touched out The Netherlands' Inge Dekker, 25.96 to 25.98, for the women's sprint fly title. Meanwhile, Sweden's Louise Hansson earned third-place honors in 26.55. Dekker became the eighth woman to earn $10,000 or more on the tour as she clinched $10,000 overall in winnings. Therese Alshammar, however, still has the fastest time on the tour by far with a 25.56 from the Doha stop, even though she hasn't participated since the Middle East leg of the circuit.

Mixed 200 free relay
Team USA's Anthony Ervin (20.92), Tom Shields (21.58), Jessica Hardy (23.81) and Kylie Stewart (24.85) won the mixed-gender relay with a 1:31.16, while Denmark's Daniel Skaaning (22.89), Kelly Riber Rasmussen (24.88), Soeren Dahl (22.81) and Pernille Blume (24.40) took second in 1:34.98. Brazil's Andre Santos (22.20), Jessica Cavalheiro (25.15), Daynara De Paula (25.93) and Diogo Yabe (21.98) placed third in 1:35.26 (swimmingworld)


BERLIN, Germany, RENANG INDONESIA-October 21. UPDATED 2012 FINA Money List after the completion of the fifth stop of the FINA World Cup in Berlin.

A total of $510,000 was awarded during the first three stops of the circuit with 61 men and 60 women each winning at least $500 for a third-place finish. Notably, these numbers are entitled winnings. Swimmers wishing to protect their NCAA eligibility do not necessarily accept winnings as direct compensation. However, for the sake of complete accuracy, we have included the money that each swimmer has earned.

Winnings breakdown: 

1st Place - $1,500
2nd Place - $1,000
3rd Place - $500

Hosszu now has $45,750 in race winnings to lead all swimmers, and has already eclipse the total race winnings that Le Clos had last year of $45,500 without counting his $100,000 grand prize effort. Hosszu still has three more meets to pile up the cash. Seto leads among the men with $23,000 in winnings.

After the Moscow stop, Kenneth To and Katinka Hosszu extended their leads for the overall $100,000 grand prize. Hosszu is dominating the women's race with 95 points. Daryna Zevina, Britta Steffen and Zsuzsanna Jakabos are tied for second with 45 points each. To leads the men with 90 points, while George Bovell stands second with 67 points. Daiya Seto is third with 65 points.

The overall grand prize is based on the top swim from each stop of the circuit, and not on the most victories.

Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012

Pemkot Pontianak Gelar Lomba Renang

PONTIANAK – RENANG INDONESIA-Puluhan peserta dari berbagai instansi dalam tubuh Pemerintah Kota (Pemkot) Pontianak mengikuti lomba yang digelar Persatuan Renang Seluruh Indonesia (PRSI) Kota Pontianak. Lomba yang diselenggarakan bertepatan dengan Hari Jadi ke-241 Kota Pontianak itu modal awal membina para atlet.
Sekretariat Daerah (Sekda) Kota Pontianak M Akip mengatakan dari lomba yang digelar tersebut terdapat beberapa anak-anak muda yang ke depannya dapat menjadi bibit-bibit untuk menjadi atlet.
“Bibit-bibit baru para perenang harus dibina dan dididik sedemikian rupa agar dapat memberikan prestasinya. Prestasi tersebut baik dalam tingkat nasional maupun internasional,” ungkapnya kepada wartawan, Sabtu (20/10).
Menurutnya, kegiatan yang digelar sudah menjadi agenda rutin setiap tahunnya. “Adanya instansi yang ikut serta dalam lomba tersebut menunjukkan jika tidak hanya masyarakat yang ikut. Namun juga instansi yang ada di Pemkot Pontianak. Peserta dari instansi bukan mencari menang atau kalah, namun murni untuk pembinaan dan silaturahmi sesama,” ucapnya.
Sementara itu, Ketua Persatuan Renang Seluruh Indonesia (PRSI) Kota Pontianak, Ir H Edi Rusdi Kamtono mengungkapkan, peserta dari instansi yang ikut sekitar 70-an peserta dari jumlah keseluruhan peserta 120 orang.
“Instansi gemar olahraga, jadi kita senang jika para pegawai instansi pemerintah mempunyai hobi olahraga. Dengan adanya kegiatan ini diharapkan, bisa meningkatkan kegemaran olahraga renang, silaturahmi juga,” jelasnya.
Di tempat yang sama, salah seorang peserta dari BKD Kota Pontianak, Gusti Umri, mengatakan dirinya ikut dalam lomba tersebut selain untuk memeriahkan acara, juga untuk mengetahui sejauh mana batas kemampuannya kesehatan dirinya.
“Setidaknya pertandingan ini bisa menguji sejauh mana kesehatan saya, dan terbukti saya masih bisa untuk berenang sejauh 50 meter. Dulu saya memang pernah berenang, namun sekarang karena kesibukan jadi jarang berenang lagi,” katanya. (HarianKalbar)

Tonasa Kucurkan Bonus Rp113 Juta

Pemprov Segera Cairkan Bonus

MAKASSAR, RENANG INDONESIA -- Pengurus Provinsi Persatuan Renang Seluruh Indonesia Sulsel mengucurkan bonus sebesar Rp113 juta. Bonus tersebut diberikan kepada atlet renang Sulsel yang berhasil meraih medali dalam perhelatan PON 2012 di Pekanbaru, Riau.

Pembagian bonus dilakukan di Restoran New Dinar, Jumat,19 Oktober, malam. Selain pengurus Pengprov PRSI Sulsel, juga turut hadir dalam acara itu, sejumlah atlet renang, atlet renang indah, dan atlet polo air.

Mereka antara lain, Selvy Melowa, yang berhasil menyumbangkan medali emas dan Hamgari yang membersembahkan medali perunggu. Total bonus yang diberikan mencapai Rp113 juta. Dana segar itu merupakan dana yang dikucurkan PT Semen Tonasa.

Wakil Ketua Pengprov PRSI Sulsel, Andi Ilyas Manggabarani, mengatakan, bonus ini yang diberikan merupakan apresiasi pengurus kepada atlet yang membela Sulsel di ajang pekan olahraga nasional.

Kendati, bonus yang dikucurkan tidak terlalu besar, namun, diakui Ilyas Manggabarani, itu dapat memacu semangat atlet untuk latihan dan meraih prestasi di even nasional hingga internasional.

"Ini adalah tali asih. Semen Tonasa sebagai bapak angkat PRSI Sulsel sudah seharusnya melakukan hal ini (pembagian bonus)," ujar Andi Ilyas Manggabarani.

Salah satu seorang atlet Sulsel, Suyuti Syarif, mengaku senang dengan pembagian bonus ini. Dirinya berharap, bonus yang dijanjikan Pemprov Sulsel segera cair. "Katanya (bonus dari Pemprov) mau dibayarkan dalam waktu dekat ini," ujar Suyuti.

Diberitakan sebelumnya, soal nilai bonus yang akan dikucurkan Pemprov Sulsel ditentukan gubernur. Pasalnya, bonus yang diberikan 100 persen anggarannya bersumber dari APBD. Diperkirakan bonus atlet mengalami kenaikan dibanding PON Kaltim.

Kenaikan bonus atlet diperkirakan hingga 25 persen, atau bisa juga naik 15 persen atau 10 persen. Semua tergantung dari besarnya anggaran perubahan yang disetujui beberapa waktu lalu. Sekadar perbandingan, untuk sekeping emas di PON Kaltim lalu, dihargai Rp75 juta.

Sementara untuk sekeping medali perak Rp40 juta, dan perunggu Rp20 juta. Selain itu, pemerintah provinis juga merencanakan untuk mengangkat sejumlah atlet yang mampu berprestasi di PON Riau menjadi CPNS. (FAJAR)


BERLIN, Germany, RENANG INDONESIA-October 21. THE second night of competition is underway at the FINA World Cup stop in Berlin, Germany. Hit refresh for the latest coverage and analysis from the session!

For a quick refresher course, the FINA World Cup is a global circuit of two-day meets all swum in short course meters (25m) setups. Swimmers vie for cash earnings with first-place individual winners earning $1,500, while second place wins $1,000. Third place in each event also takes home $500. Relays are not money races.

The overall circuit winners for the men and women by the end of the eight-meet series next month will win $100,000 each. Chad Le Clos and Therese Alshammar both banked six-figure paydays last year with Le Clos topping out at $145,500, including nearly $50k in just race winnings alone. Thus far this year, Katinka Hosszu and Kenneth To lead the overall standings after the fourth stop in Berlin, Germany. 

Men's 1500 free
Hungary's David Verrastzo punched the wall in 14:51.29 to open night two in Berlin with a win. That swim kicked his winnings in Berlin up to $2,000, his only stop on the tour thus far. Poland's Mateusz Sawrymowicz finished second in 14:55.02, while Slovakia's Richard Nagy also cleared 15:00 with a third-place 14:58.91 to round out the podium. Swimmers on the tour have a lot of ground to make up to catch last season's best effort of 14:29.81 by Sawrymowicz at the Euro Short Course Championships.

Women's 100 free
Germany's Britta Steffen has been printing money on the tour via her sprint freestyle prowess. She raced to victory in the 100, sweeping the 50 and 100 again, with a scorching 52.88. USA's Jessica Hardy took second in 53.00, while Australia's Jessica Morrison returned to the podium for the first time since Stockholm with a 53.31. Steffen jumped her winnings up to $15,000 with the triumph, and did some by clearing 53 seconds for the third time on the tour. Her best time came with a 52.46 to win in Stockholm. Hardy, meanwhile, smashed her previous circuit best of 53.38 also from Stockholm, and now has won $9,000 on the tour.

Men's 200 free
France's Yannick Agnel went from third to first in the final 50 meters en route to his first victory on the circuit. He clocked a sterling 1:42.10, surfacing from a tight contest. Germany's Paul Biedermann placed second in 1:42.71, while South Africa's Darian Townsend touched third in 1:42.79. The previous best time on the tour heading into tonight had been a 1:42.71 from Townsend to win in Dubai. Biedermann had the fastest time a year ago with a 1:42.42 also at the Berlin stop, typically one of the fastest stops on the tour. Townsend now stands third among the men in overall winnings with $14,000 in prizes.

Women's 50 breast
USA's Jessica Hardy returned to the pool just minutes after her runner-up effort in the 100 with a winning time of 30.13 in the sprint breaststroke event. She now has $10,500 in winnings after ringing up $5,000 in Berlin. Great Britain's Kathryn Johnstone touched second in 30.89, while Margarethe Hummel earned third-place honors in 31.09. While Hardy's time is pretty fast, she still has some time to make up to catch the sizzling 29.96 Ruta Meilutyte posted in Stockholm for the win.

Men's 100 breast
In just his third stop on the tour, Italy's Fabio Scozzoli is definitely filling in for the missing Cameron van der Burgh, who stopped the circuit to return home to train. Scozzoli is now up to $6,500 in winnings with just breaststroke event wins. He won the 100 tonight in 57.61, while New Zealand's Glenn Snyders took second in 57.89. Snyders is racking up the cash as well with $8,000 as he has competed on all five stops thus far. Brazil's Henrique Barbosa rounded out the podium with a third-place 58.50. Van der Burgh still owns the best time on the circuit this year with a 57.22 to win in Doha.

Women's 400 IM
After a bit of a hiccup on night one, during which she only won $750 after breaking records with $11,000 meets, Hungary's Katinka Hosszu moved back into the win column in the distance medley with a 4:28.88. That win is her 26th individual gold medal of the circuit, and pushed her winnings to $43,250, closing in on Chad le Clos' total race winnings of $45,500 from all of last year with three more stops to go. Hungary's Zsuzsanna Jakabos turned in a second-place 4:29.78 for $20,250 overall in winnings, while U.S. Junior National Teamer Becca Mann snared third-place honors in 4:37.03. Hosszu nearly cleared her fastest time of the tour, a 4:28.10 from the Stockholm stop. She hasn't lost in the 400 IM yet on this circuit, now up to five straight wins.

Men's 100 fly
He's been swimming on every stop of the tour, but he finally broke through with an international gold medal tonight as California's Tom Shields blasted a 50.03 en route to victory. He touched out Russia's Evgeny Korotyshkin in the process as the Russian placed second in 50.14. Russia's Nikolay Skvortsov completed the podium with a third-place 50.89. Shields neared the top time on the tour of 49.60 set by Chad le Clos on the Doha stop, and would have ranked third in the world a year ago with his 50.03. Shields' blistering effort shot him to 16th in the world all time, and is the second-fastest American all time behind Ian Crocker's 49.07. (swimmingworld)

Sabtu, 20 Oktober 2012

Hosszu still strong, Donets shines in Moscow

Lausanne (SUI), RENANG INDONESIA-October 19, 2012 – The squad from the host federation clinched four titles during the fourth leg of the FINA/ARENA Swimming World Cup, organised in Moscow (RUS) from October 17-18. Stanislav Donets was the fastest in the men’s 50m and 100m backstroke, with respective times of 23.31 and 49.74, and scoring the best performance of the meet in the latter event (952 points). Team mate Evgeny Korotyshkin took out the men’s 100m butterfly in 50.56 while Elena Sokolova touched first in the women’s 400m freestyle in a time of 4:04.83.

Daiya Seto (JPN) bagged three more gold medals (men’s 1500m freestyle, 200m and 400m IM). Fabio Scozzoli (ITA) touched first in the men’s 50m and 100m breaststroke, clocking 26.51 and 58.32, respectively.

Thanks to her wins in the women’s 200m freestyle (1:55.46), 200m butterfly (2:05.77), 100m IM (59.69), 200m IM (2:08.28) and 400m IM (4:30.14), Katinka Hosszu (HUN) lifted her overall gold tally to 25; with her two silvers and three bronze, she totals 30 medals. Hosszu was the best female performer with her winning time in the 200m IM (916 points).

Britta Steffen (GER), Rachel Goh (AUS) and Rie Kaneto (JPN) were double gold medallists in respectively the 50m and 100m freestyle; 50m and 100m backstroke; and 100m and 200m breaststroke. (fina)

Jumat, 19 Oktober 2012

Michael Phelps, Pria Paling Fit

RENANG INDONESIA-TAK banyak orang yang bisa menjaga bentuk tubuhnya tetap ideal. Bahkan bagi seorang atlet sekalipun. Dibutuhkan program diet ketat dan latihan ekstra agar lemak tidak menumpuk di mana-mana.

Untuk kategori 100 pria paling fit di dunia, ternyata posisi teratas di tempati juara renang Olimpiade asal Amerika Serikat, Michael Phelps. Atlet 27 tahun yang menjadi kolektor medali Olimpiade terbanyak sepanjang sejarah, 22 keping dengan 18 di antaranya medali emas,  mampu bertahan dengan bentuk tubuh ideal yang nyaris tanpa tumpukan lemak.

Meski kini tak lagi menjadikan renang sebagai prioritas dalam hidupnya, tak ada tanda-tanda perubahan di tubuh Phelps. Kuncinya adalah program makan yang serba teratur.  Dilaporkan Men's Health, Phelps tetap berlatih lima jam sehari. Dia juga sangat menjaga pola makan karena harus membakar 12.000 kalori per hari. Untuk sarapan, Phelps selalu mengonsumsi tiga butir telur yang disajikan dengan keju.

Karena bentuk tubuhnya Phelps mampu mengalahkan sejumlah nama besar seperti Bruce Lee, Arnold Schwarzenegger, dan Muhammad Ali. Ketiganya sudah lama dikenal sebagai pria bugar dengan bentuk tubuh ideal.

"Saya selalu mengidolakan Bruce Lee. Seolah ada otot dalam otot di tubuhnya yang kuat," puji Schwarzenegger pada aktor laga tersebut.

Dalam daftar 50 besar pria paling fit di dunia, terdapat aktor pemeran James Bond, Daniel Craig di urutan terakhir.

1. Michael Phelps
2. Bruce Lee
3. Arnold Schwarzenegger
4. Jack LaLanne
5. Herschel Walker
6. Jim Thorpe
7. Cristiano Ronaldo
8. Lance Armstrong
9. Manny Pacquiao
10. Bjorn Daehlie
11. Ashton Eaton
12. Sylvester Stallone
13. Greg Lemond
14. Jackie Robinson
15. Muhammad Ali
14. Jackie Robinson
15. Muhammad Ali
16. David Beckham
17. Mark Wahlberg
18. Chuck Norris
19. Eugene Sandow
20. Richard Simmons



Daiya Seto puts up strong men's 200 IM time.

MOSCOW, Russia, RENANG INDONESIA, October 18. EVEN though she is starting to show a bit of a weakness in the distance freestyle events, Hungary's Katinka Hosszu is still on a record-breaking roll at the FINA World Cup. She finished the fourth stop in Moscow with her 25th individual gold medal, and $41,000 in winnings.

For a quick refresher course, the FINA World Cup is a global circuit of two-day meets all swum in short course meters (25m) setups. Swimmers vie for cash earnings with first-place individual winners earning $1,500, while second place wins $1,000. Third place in each event also takes home $500. Relays are not money races.

The overall circuit winners for the men and women by the end of the eight-meet series next month will win $100,000 each. Chad Le Clos and Therese Alshammar both banked six-figure paydays last year with Le Clos topping out at $145,500, including nearly $50k in just race winnings alone. Thus far this year, Katinka Hosszu and Kenneth To lead the overall standings after the third stop in Stockholm, Sweden. 

Men's 1500 free
You know you just threw down a crushing performance against the field, when the television broadcast focuses on a close battle for second, and that's just what happened with Japan's Daiya Seto. Seto raced to victory in 15:03.02, winning by more than 20-seconds in the metric mile. That swim netted him another first-place paycheck, pushing his gender-leader tally to $18,500 on the circuit thus far. Ukraine's Anton Goncharov and Peru's Mauricio Fiol Villanueva, meanwhile, were the focus of the live stream as they went head-to-head for runner-up status. Goncharov scored the silver-medal money with a 15:25.92 to 15:27.16 win over Fiol Villanueva.

Women's 100 free
Germany's Britta Steffen has continued to pile up cash with a sprint freestyle focus, and did so again this evening with her fourth-straight triumph in the 100 free on the circuit. She clocked a 52.92 to push her circuit winnings to $12,000, while USA's Jessica Hardy checked in second with a 53.74. Russia's Natalie Lovtcova earned third in 54.47. Steffen's time is the second under 53 seconds for her on the circuit thus far. She won the race in Stockholm with a circuit-best time of 52.46. Hardy slowed up from her Stockholm time as well, where she clocked a 53.38 to take second there as well. Hardy pushed her overall winnings to $4,000 with her performance.

Men's 200 free
South Africa's Darian Townsend won his third 200 free crown of the circuit with a swift 1:44.26, while Germany's Paul Biedermann and Australia's Tommasso D'Orsogna shared the silver medal with matching times of 1:44.49. Townsend's only loss in this event came in Doha when D'Orsogna dropped a 1:43.84 to 1:43.95 victory on Townsend. Townsend has been much faster on the circuit with a 1:42.71 to win in Dubai. With his triumph, Townsend now has $12,250 in circuit winnings, while D'Orsogna moved up to $7,000 overall with his shared prize. Biedermann, who hasn't fielded the same schedule, has $3,250 in winnings.

Women's 50 breast
USA's Jessica Hardy followed up her second-place effort in the 100 free with a conquest of the sprint breast as she touched in 30.29. Finland's Jenna Laukkanen earned second in 31.03, while Russia's Valentina Artemyeva took home third in 31.14. Hardy's time is faster than the third-place clocking of 30.48 from the Stockholm stop, and is the third-fastest on the circuit so far. Ruta Meilutyte was the only sub-30 so far with a 29.96 to win in Stockholm, while Jennie Johansson surged to second place with a 30.24. Hardy moved her two-meet winnings tally to $5,500. She's won $3,500 in Moscow after taking home $2,000 in Stockholm.

Men's 100 breast
Italy's Fabio Scozzoli earned his second breaststroke title of the meet with a 58.32 for the win. China's Gu Biaorong made the podium for the first time with a 58.72, while Russia's Sergei Geibel claimed his second podium of the Moscow stop with a third-place 58.89. Scozzoli has plenty of time to make up on the 57.22 performance clocked by Cameron van der Burgh in Doha, as well as the 57.87 from Glenn Snyders in Stockholm.

Women's 400 IM
Hungary's Katinka Hosszu raced to her incredible 23rd gold medal of the circuit with a 4:30.14 to 4:30.80 triumph over compatriot Zsuzsanna Jakabos. Meanwhile, U.S. Junior National Teamer Becca Mann beat out teammate Celina Li, 4:35.87 to 4:39.45, for the third podium spot. Hosszu has been much faster on the tour, with a 4:28.10 to win in Stockholm with Jakabos also pushing her there with a 4:28.79. However, Hosszu did increase her stunning circuit-leading winnings to $38,000. Jakabos is second among the women with a strong haul of her own with $17,250. The win is Hosszu's fourth consecutive victory in the event on the tour -- she hasn't lost yet.

Men's 100 fly
In a Russian duel that had the partisan crowd excited, Evgeny Korotyshkin clipped Nikolay Skvortsov, 50.56 to 50.82, with USA's Tom Shields taking third in 50.89. While the three-way dance was exciting, 2011 FINA World Cup Champion Chad Le Clos still has the top time on the tour with a 49.60 from Doha. Le Clos, however, has ended his time on the circuit to return home to train. Korotyshkin increased his winnings to $5,500 with the win.

Women's 100 back
Australia's Rachel Goh continued to make money off her superior underwaters, this time clinching the win in the 100 back with a 57.80 to break $10,000 in circuit winnings. Brazil's Etiene Medeiros took second in 58.93, while teammate Fabiola Molina placed third in 59.25. U.S. Junior National Teamer Kylie Stewart just missed the podium with a fourth-place 59.40. Goh now has $11,000 in cash prizes thus far as she continues to rack up the points in the backstroke events. Her winning effort came up just a bit short of the 57.52 she used to win in Stockholm, which is the top time on the tour thus far.

Men's 50 back
Similar to Rachel Goh in the women's backstroke events, Russia's Stanislav Donets has accomplished similar results in the men's draw of the stroke. He won his fourth consecutive sprint back title on the tour with a 23.31, increasing his total winnings to $11,000. Meanwhile, Australia's Robert Hurley kept on cashing checks, this time posting a 23.73 to move to $15,000 in circuit winnings. Brazil's Guilherme Guido touched third in 23.81. Donets has consistently remained in the 23s with tonight being his fastest time of the circuit thus far. He'd previously clocked a 23.47 for the top time up to tonight. His time tonight would have been the top-ranked effort last season, ahead of Sun Xiaolei's 23.34 from the Beijing stop. He's closing in on his best time ever, a second-ranked all-time 22.74 performance from the Euro Short Course Championships.

Women's 200 fly
Hungary's Katinka Hosszu got back into the win column in the 200 fly after teammate Zsuzsanna Jakabos clipped her in the event in Stockholm. Tonight, Hosszu earned her amazing 24th gold medal of the tour with a 2:05.77 to 2:06.06 victory over her wing-woman. Meanwhile, U.S. Junior National Teamer Becca Mann, a budding star for the U.S. after repeated finals at the 2012 U.S. Olympic Trials, earned her third podium of the meet with a 2:11.35. Hosszu moved into striking distance of $40k in winning with $39,500 overall. Jakabos pushed her total to $18,250. Hosszu's time tonight is the fastest on the circuit, besting the 2:06.90 from Jakabos in Stockholm, and would have ranked Hosszu in the top 15 last season.

Men's 200 IM
Japan's Daiya Seto reached $20,000 in circuit winnings with an upset victory in the 200 IM. He raced to a 1:53.93 for the win, with Hungary's Laszlo Cseh taking second in 1:54.31 and three-time tour winner Darian Townsend of South Africa settling for a third-place tie with Kenneth To with matching 1:54.93s. Seto joined Townsend in the 1:53 club on the circuit as Townsend had previously won the first three races with a trio of 1:53s including the tour-best time of 1:53.25 from Dubai. Seto nearly cleared the Japanese record of 1:53.67 set by Kosuke Hagino last year in Tokyo, and is just the third man from Japan to break the 1:54 barrier. Hidemasa Sano stands second all time among the Japanese with a 1:53.85. Townsend, meanwhile, now had $12,500 in tour winnings, while To has $11,000 and Cseh has $7,000.

Women's 400 free
World Cup queen Katinka Hosszu continued to struggle in the distance freestyle events. After losing the 800 free for the first time last night, she wound up in eighth-place with a 4:15.41 tonight in the 400 free after previously winning the first three stops. That's just her second time missing the podium in an event on the tour. Russia's Elena Sokolova held off a distance freestyle sweep for U.S. Junior National Teamer Leah Smith, 4:04.83 to 4:05.04, for the win. New Zealand's Melissa Ingram raced to third in 4:06.20. Hosszu still holds the tour-best time with a 4:03.83 from the Stockholm stop.

Men's 50 free
He broke the 21-second barrier for the first time over the weekend in Stockholm, and now Trinidad and Tobago's George Bovell looks to be comfortable in the 20s as he punched the wall in 20.90 for the win. USA's Anthony Ervin collected another paycheck with a second-place 21.11, while Russia's Evgeny Lagunov took third in 21.80. Bovell posted a circuit-best clocking of 20.82 in Stockholm for the win, while Ervin broke 21 seconds for the first time with a 20.99. Bovell ran his circuit winnings to $9,500, while Ervin now has $7,250 with his sprint freestyle focus.

Women's 200 breast
Japan's Rie Kaneto smoked the distance breaststroke event for the second straight meet, this time with a 2:20.08. Russia's Maria Temnikova took second in 2:22.94, while Japan's Mio Motegi finished third in 2:23.02. Kaneto had posted a tour-best time of 2:21.09 to win in Stockholm, but cut a second off the effort this evening. With each tour stop, she's getting ever so closer to her season best of 2:19.72 from the Tokyo stop that ranked her fifth in the world last season. In just two meets of competition, Kaneto now has $5,000 in winnings.

Women's 100 IM
While she has had a much tougher road in Moscow than the previous three stops, Hungary's Katinka Hosszu has continued to strike back after difficult swims. She did so again in the sprint medley with a season-best time of 59.69 for her stunning 25th gold medal of the circuit. That time cleared her 59.71 from the Stockholm stop. Germany's Theresa Michalak and Great Britain's Sophie Allen tied for second with matching 59.98s to join Hosszu under a 1:00 on the tour. Hosszu eclipsed the $40,000 winnings mark and now has $41,000 heading into the last half of the tour. As a reminder, Chad Le Clos led all swimmers last season with $45,500 in total race winnings during the entire tour. Hosszu is on a record-breaking tear, even with the additional competition.

Men's 200 back
Japan's Yuki Shirai posted his second straight win in the distance dorsal with a 1:50.80 for the victory. Teammate Hayate Matsubara touched second in 1:51.96, while Australia's Ashley Delaney posted a third-place 1:53.36. Shirai won in Stockholm over the weekend with a tour-best time of 1:50.70, while Matsubara moved up from third place and bettered his 1:52.42.

Women's 50 fly
With three-time winner Therese Alshammar skipping the Moscow stop, The Netherlands' Inge Dekker took the opportunity to cash a $1,500 check with a 25.65 to win the sprint fly. Italy's Ilaria Bianchi finished second in 26.21, while Russia's Daria Tcvetkova placed third in 26.43. The win gave Dekker $8,000 in winnings, and came close to Alshammar's best time on the circuit this year of 25.56 from the Doha stop.

Mixed 200 free relay
Russia's Evgeny Lagunov (21.89), Oleg Tikhobaev (22.01), Svetlana Knyaginina (24.71) and Veronika Popova (24.64) won the mixed-gender 200 free relay with a 1:33.25. Another Russian foursome of Maria Reznikova (25.49), Rozaliya Nasretdinova (25.04), Dmitry Ermakov (22.19) and Artem Lobuzov (21.98) placed second in 1:34.70. Brazil's Andre Santos (22.66), Diogo Yabe (25.25), Jessica Cavalheiro (22.13) and Eriene Medeiros (24.90) rounded out the top three in 1:34.94


SWIMMING WORLD CUP 2012, Moscow day 1: Smith (USA) and Donets (RUS) best performers

Elena Vaytsekhovskaya, FINA Press Commission Member

MOSCOW, RENANG INDONESIA-October 17, 2012 - The fourth leg of the FINA/ARENA Swimming World Cup is being held at the Olympijsky Swimming pool in the Russian capital. Russian swimming fans like to say that this pool is very special: since the 1980 Olympics, which took place here also, 46 World and 40 European records were broken, evidencing that these waters are quite "fast". Moscow has played host to the short-course event a total eight times since 2002. For the 2012 edition, more than 330 swimmers entered the competition.
The president of the Russian Swimming Federation, four-time Olympic champion Vladimir Salnikov mentioned at the opening press conference that the competition gives outstanding experience to young Russian swimmers, underlining that for most of them, the World Cup in Moscow was where they made their first mark on the  international swimming stage.
The evening programme of day 1 started with a victory for Leah Smith (USA) in the 800m free (8:19.24), the day's top performance among women (914 points). The young talent was followed by compatriot Becca Mann, who was 0.09 behind while local Elizaveta Gorshkova took third in 8:29.45.

Tommasso D'Orsogna from Australia  started "slowly" but powered home in the last meters in the 100m free (47.11), beating South African Darian Townsend and Anthony Erwin (USA), who tied for second (47.43). 

There was a close finish in the women's 100m breast with Japanese Rie Kaneto and Mio Motegi going head-to-head for the touch. Kaneto was the swiftest by 0.01 (1:06.18) while Russia's Maria Temnikova completed the podium. 

Another 1-2 finish for Japan took place in the men's 200m fly: Kazuya Kaneda finished in front of team mate Daiya Seto, clocking 1:52.43. Russian Nikolay Skvortsov secured the bronze.
Two-time World champion Paul Biedermann (GER) was the easy winner in the men's 400m free (3:44.00). Robert Hurley (AUS) and Evgeny Kulikov (RUS) placed second and third, respectively.
The only victory for the home squad this evening was in the men's 100m back, where three-time World champion and holder of 11 European titles, Stanislav Donets, touched first (49.74), comfortably ahead of runner-up Robert Hurley (50.70). Donets was the best male performer on this evening, scoring 952 points for this race. The Russian, who failed to make the Olympic team due to recovery following a shoulder surgery, is back in shape.
Olympic silver medallist Evgeny Korotyshkin finished third (23.12) in the men's 50m fly, after Matthew Targett (AUS, 22.56) and Jason Dunford (KEN, 23.09).

Hungary's Katinka Hosszu captured two gold medals, in the women's 200m free and 200m IM.


Senin, 15 Oktober 2012

SWIMMING WORLD CUP SWC 2012, Stockholm day 2 – Hosszu collects 24 medals after three meets


Pedro Adrega, Head of FINA Communications Department

RENANG INDONESIA, October 14, 2012 STOCKHOLM - In Hungarian, “Hosszu” means “long” and that is a perfect adjective for Katinka’s effort in the 2012 edition of the FINA/ARENA Swimming World Cup: a long and successful effort, that allowed her to collect eight more medals at the third meet of the Series, held in Stockholm from October 13-14. In the Swedish capital, the Magyar champion was first in the 200m, 400m and 800m free, 100m, 200m and 400m IM, and got the silver in the 200m backstroke and 200m butterfly – being also the fastest performer among women, with her 400m IM win (4:28.01). An impressive harvest considering the versatility needed to swim so many events in only two days! In the first legs of the 2012 edition of this World Cup – Dubai and Doha – Katinka Hosszu earned seven gold medals at each of the events, plus two bronze (for a total 24 podium appearances ahead of Moscow, the upcoming World Cup meet). Moreover, after three legs, Hosszu has swum 10,200m if we consider the number of heats and finals contested!
In the final session of the Swedish meet, Hosszu’s main and successful rival was compatriot Zsuzsanna Jakabos, who managed to beat her in the 200m fly. It was probably the most interesting race of the day, with Hosszu swimming in lane 4 and Jakabos in lane 8. Turning her head to the left side to breathe, Jakabos could perfectly control Hosszu’s effort, while Katinka had notorious problems in matching her challenger’s pace. In the end, Jakabos touched first in 2:06.90 and Hosszu got the silver in 2:07.18. Throughout the competition in Stockholm, Jakabos trailed her teammate, being second in the 200m free and 400m IM, third in the 800m free, 200m back and 200m IM and fifth in the 400m free. The triumph in the 200m butterfly was therefore a rewarding consolation for Jakabos. On day 1, only Melissa Ingram (NZL) beat Hosszu, in the 200m backstroke.
In 50m pool, the career highlights for the two Magyar stars include a 400m IM gold medal for Hosszu in 2009 at the FINA World Championships and five titles at European level, while Jakabos climbed to the European podium on five occasions.

The second and final day in the Swedish capital was also marked by the victory of 2008 Olympic champion Britta Steffen (GER) in the 100m free, in a time of 52.46 – corresponding to the second best female performance of the meet, with 919 points. On day 1, Steffen was also the best in the shortest race of the programme. Ruta Meilutyte (LTU), Olympic gold medallist, also won the double - 50m and 100m breaststroke – as did among men Glenn Snyders from New Zealand. Rachel Goh from Australia was the “queen” of the backstroke events, getting the gold in the 50m and 100m.
After being second in the 100m free and 100m IM, Kenneth To (AUS) got his only victory in Sweden in the 100m butterfly in a time of 50.19. Also in good shape, Darian Townsend (RSA) earned two gold medals in the 200m IM (1:53.66) and 200m free (1:43.45).
In front of her fans, Therese Alshammar collected her 92nd gold medal at World Cup meets (and 136th medal), thanks to her win in the 50m butterfly in 25.64. Moreover, the 35-year-old champion was the third best performer in Stockholm after her 100m fly triumph in 56.68.
On the men’s side, George Bovell (TRI) got the best result of the meet on day 1, with his 100m IM victory in 51.56 (954 points), but was also fast while winning on day 2 the 50m free in 20.82.
The competition in Stockholm was prolific in good results and many winning times were improved when compared with the performances in Dubai and Doha: this happened in 14 races out of 17 among women and three in the men's field. In the lead-up to the fourth leg of the World Cup in Moscow (RUS, October 17-18), Kenneth To (AUS) sits atop the overall ranking with 70 points, while Hosszu is the overall leader of the women’s standings.
The best three performers in Stockholm were:

1. George Bovell (TRI), 100m IM, 51.56 – 954 points
2. Kenneth To (AUS), 100m IM, 51.75 – 943 points
3. Daiya Seto (JPN), 400m IM, 4:00.85 – 934 points

1. Katinka Hosszu (HUN), 400m IM, 4:28.01 – 923 points
2. Britta Steffen (GER), 100m free, 52.46 – 919 points
3. Therese Alshammar (SWE), 100m butterfly, 56.68 – 916 points


SWIMMING WORLD CUP SWC 2012, Stockholm day 1 - Hosszu completes hat trick; Alshammar gets 135th medal!

RENANG INDONESIA, October 13, 2012 STOCKHOLM - Who will stop Katinka Hosszu? After dominating the first two legs of the FINA/ARENA Swimming World Cup 2012 in Dubai (UAE) and Doha (QAT), winning seven gold medals at each of those meets, the Hungarian versatile star was again the swimmer to beat on the first day of the third leg of the series, being held in Stockholm on October 13-14. The 23-year-old swimmer, 2009 World champion in the 400m individual medley, obtained three titles (and four medals) in the initial day in the Swedish capital and is now, by far, the most successful female swimmer of this year’s World Cup. Moreover, she was the best female performer (919 points) of this first day, thanks to her 200m IM win.
Hosszu’s success at the Eriksdalsbadet in Stockholm started with the triumph in the 800m free, where she got her fastest winning time so far at this World Cup, touching in 8:24.48. The minor medals went to Lotte Friis (DEN, 8:25.96) and to another Magyar swimmer, Zsuzsanna Jakabos, bronze medallist in 8:31.96. Some minutes later, Kosszu was again the best in the 200m free, getting the gold in 1:55.30 – she had been faster in Doha, clocking then 1:54.79. Jakabos was this time second (1:56.31), while Hannah Miley (GBR) finished third in 1:56.58. Hosszu’s winning strategy was once more successful in the 200m individual medley, where she comfortably touched first in 2:08.13, the fastest of her three wins so far in this event at the World Cup. The silver medal was shared by Jakabos and Sophie Allen (GBR) in 2:09.05. The Hungary duet Hosszu-Jakabos was again in action in the 200m backstroke, getting the silver (2:07.44) and bronze (2:08.71) respectively. This time, the gold went to Melissa Ingram (NZL), winner in 2:04.84.
The second highlight of the day went to home star, 35-year-old Therese Alshammar: in the 100m butterfly, she swam for gold in 56.68 (the best so far, after her 57.22 effort in Doha), amassing her 134th medal (and 91st gold) at World Cup events since 1994, Alshammar totally dominated the race, leaving Ingvild Snildal (NOR) in second (57.98) and Emilia Pikarainen with the bronze (58.48). In the 50m free, Alshammar got her 135th award, finishing second in 24.24, behind Germany’s Britta Steffen, 2008 Olympic champion in this event, who got the gold in 24.08. Jessica Hardy (USA) was third in 24.41.
Asked about all these successes for the last 18 years, Alshammar confessed: “I’m very bad in statistics. I don’t count the medals…” However, she promptly explained the success for such longevity:
“I love the sport of swimming and this is the key for staying motivated so long. It’s a fantastic sport for both the body and the mind and I was lucky enough to be injured only once, unfortunately this summer”, said Alshammar.
On her goals for this 2012 edition of the FINA/ARENA Swimming World Cup, Alshammar explained: "After my physical problems this summer, I had to change my focus, but I am very happy to be swimming quite fast in this World Cup. My primary goals were to be back on track, and this is already done. I hope to be at the FINA World Championships next July in Barcelona". On her role model for the youth at home: "I feel very honoured and privileged. I also had my role models when I was younger: I recall our very good swimmer Anders Holmertz - he was more of a person than a swimmer".
Still in the women’s field, one of the most exciting races of the session was the final of the 100m breaststroke, where 2012 Olympic champion Ruta Meilutyte (LTU) had to fight to overcome the strong opposition from Sweden’s Jennie Johansson. After a thrilling 15 final metres, Meilutyte touched home for gold in 1:05.02 – getting the fastest time so far in the 2012 series (Johansson had won in Doha in 1:06.11 and finished second at home, in 1:05.39). The bronze went to Rie Kaneto (JPN) in 1:05.44. Finally, in the 50m backstroke, Rachel Goh (AUS) got the best time so far in this World Cup, clinching gold in 26.94.

Among men, Daiya Seto (JPN) was the fastest in the 400m individual medley, in a good time of 4:00.85 (corresponding to 934 points). It was the best time at the 2012 series so far, after his winning time of 4:02.51 in Doha. Behind the 18-year-old Japanese swimmer, the 2005 World champion Laszlo Cseh (HUN) finished second in 4:01.01, while Israel’s Gal Nevo got the bronze in 4:08.32. In the 200m butterfly, Seto (1:52.12) could not beat his compatriot Kazuya Kaneda, who touched first in 1:51.95. Tireless Seto was beaten once more in this session, when he collected another silver (2:06.65) in the 200m breaststroke behind Germany’s Marco Koch (2:06.09). Australia had in Matthew Targett (50m butterly in 22.51), Tommaso D’Orsogna (100m free in 47.05) and Robert Hurley (100m back in 50.38, and 400m free in 3:43.75) its three winners of the day, while Glenn Snyders (NZL) gave Oceania another reason to celebrate, with a victory in the 50m breaststroke (26.61). In the 400m free, Hurley bested the World record holder in this event, Germany’s Paul Biedermann, who touched second in 3:45.14.
Almost closing this first day, George Bovell (TRI) got the best performance of the finals’ session, winning the 100m individual medley in 51.56, corresponding to 954 points.
Kenneth To (AUS), the winner in Doha with 51.43 had to content this time with the silver in 51.75 (the second best result of the day, 943 points).
The best three performers of the first day in Stockholm were:

1. George Bovell (TRI), 100m IM, 51.56 – 954 points
2. Kenneth To (AUS), 100m IM, 51.75 – 943 points
3. Daiya Seto (JPN), 400m IM, 4:00.85 – 934 points

1. Katinka Hosszu (HUN), 200m IM, 2:08.13 – 919 points
2. Therese Alshammar (SWE), 100m butterfly, 56.68 – 916 points
3. Zsuzsanna Jakabos (HUN), 200m IM, 2:09.05 – 900 points 

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